
マドリードで聴衆が騒ぐ [パンデミックな日々]


A performance of Verdi’s A Masked Ball was abandoned in Madrid on Sunday night after audience members protested over the lack of social distancing measures – especially for those in cheaper seats.
最後の「とりわけ安い席に座っていた連中が」というところにグッと来ますね、我が事として(笑)。同業者のロサ・モンタナさんも“In the first 10 rows of the stalls – the most expensive seats – we were all jammed in and there wasn’t a single free space”ってツゥイートが引用されちゃって、このおばちゃん、顔見れば記者会見でどっかにいたなぁ、とか判る奴じゃないかな。



Having analysed the possible causes of the protests by a group of spectators at yesterday’s performance - September 20 - of ‘Un ballo in maschera’, which was finally discontinued, the Teatro Real greatly regrets the incident and expresses concern for all those in the audience who felt vulnerable in their seats, despite the health and safety measures which were meticulously in place, as verified by the police who attended the disturbance last night.

It is conceivable that the origin of the disapproval by a section of the audience regarding the allocation of their seats in the theatre relates to the changes (UPDATES) in safety protocol for these performances ‘Un ballo in maschera’. The procedures are not the same as those for the performances of ‘La traviata’ which took place throughout July and which required the blocking-off of seats under the obligation to leave two empty seats beside two occupied ones. This procedure has been amended, in keeping with the change of health measures published by the Comunidad de Madrid (Regional government).

For the performances of ‘La traviata’, tickets for blocked off seats were not on sale, whereas for ‘Un ballo in maschera’ these restrictions have now been lifted. Tickets were sold to admit 65% audience capacity, although in fact the Comunidad de Madrid’s restrictions in place yesterday allow up to 75% capacity. As a result, complying with the existing health measures a ticket purchaser was able to freely choose his/her seats without restrictions in any part of the theatre as it is now permissible for spectators to sit in consecutive seats in a row - as on public transport - so long as they are protected by an obligatory face mask whilst sitting in silence listening to the performance.

The explanation for the protests may be that the audience expected to find the seat distribution to be similar to that of July, although the current health and safety protocol is not the same as the previous one. Another change since the summer is the nature of the performance. Now, the Teatro Real is able to present a complete stage performance with scenery and props and with a larger mobility of soloists, chorus and dancers.

The Teatro Real emphasizes its total commitment to the health safety of its audience, artists and employees. Since April it has been working with the greatest of diligence and with a sense of enormous responsibility under the guidance of a Medical Committee in order to strictly follow the Spanish Government and the Regional Government of Madrid’s regulations

After the incident last night, the Teatro Real will carry out all the necessary measures to strengthen the audience’s sense of security and is intent on communicating this to the public at large.

The Teatro Real thanks, as always, all the artists and employees of the theatre for their implication and commitment to make opera possible in these days of uncertainty. And once more, we extend our gratitude to all our spectators, especially those who did feel safe in the theatre last night. We ask for your confidence, understanding and generosity to face these difficult times together, when art and music are more necessary than ever.

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